Hey sexy.

I’m Kayleigh, aka, your newest best friend, hype girl and stylist. What more could a girl need? Born and raised in Wichita, KS.

Boudoir is my JAM! I mean, we go together better than a good ole PB&J. It makes me feel so damn good making women feel so empowered and beautiful.

It’s not about them, it’s about YOU. I receive the same message almost daily. Women hate their body. Don’t feel good in their skin. Have just had kids. Need to lose weight. Don’t have the curves, the body type, etc, etc, etc. GIRL. Boudoir is for everyBODY. There is no specific shape, size, color, mold, ANYTHING to do a boudoir session. It is 100% for YOU!

Let me tell you.. I have two babies and know that pregnancy can change your body and the way you see your body. BUT THAT IS OKAY! Boudoir is to celebrate your body, RIGHT NOW, exactly how it is!

Don’t be ashamed of your cellulite, stretch marks, and loose skin, because girl, I have it too, it’s NORMAL! We are so hard on ourselves, trying to maintain standards that social media presents us everyday. You are beautiful just the way you are.

Sometimes, it’s the confidence boost we didn’t even know we needed to remind ourselves that we are stilllllll that b*tch!!

I will make you feel SO comfortable in my private studio. I pose you the entire time! All the way down to facial expressions. We got this!! You will leave my studio feeling so sexy and SO damn glad you did it! Life is short. Love yourself NO MATTER what!

I accept payment plans on all of my boudoir sessions, so don’t hesitate to ask if you need. I want to make sure every woman gets the chance to experience a session with me. It’s something I strive to make sure is an unforgettable experience! What’re you waiting for?